Monday, May 12, 2014

Last official 50 CC act and on to the W in Ft. Lauderdale

Jacksonsville, Florida, on a non-football Sunday, Mother's Day, doesn't rock nor should it. We certainly didn't expect it to, of course.

We spent the better part of the early afternoon taking a nap and, no, not the kind of nap we used to tell our kids we were taking ("So leave us alone!"), rather an honest-to-goodness, hour-and-half snore and drool-fest. It was heaven on a big, comfy king mattress at the Holiday Inn Express.

After we awoke and prepped, we called on Uber to shuttle us to and fro, from beach and back, to a couple of bars, the most notable of which would be Sketchers if only to while away the warm and lazy afternoon, while watching the beach goers and motorcycles - and there were plenty of bikes cruising around, the riders without helmets, always a surprising site for us - and to eat and imbibe, all the bars' television screens tuned to the the PGA drama between local player Furyk and the German, Kaymer. We chitter-chatted with many of the locals, all very pleasant.

We were back in bed by 9:30 PM and slept until 8:30 AM.

Yes, we've accepted that we have officially become old.

So, for today, we're heading back to the beach for our last 50CC act, the gathering of sand and ocean water in a small container, a ceremonial gesture and a remembrance of our trip.

I negotiated a great deal for two nights at the W Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, our next stop, about five hours south. We decided to blow the budget on a luxury hotel in honor of our anniversary, which we'll miss together this year as I'll be on the road and Melissa will have flown home to San Jose, back to realty and work.

After 16-hour travel days, I'm hoping the five hours to Ft. Lauderdale is a nice, easy ride

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