Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Farewell

Twenty-five hundred years ago, give or take a century or two, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, taught that you never step your foot into the same river twice. This is an elegant way of saying that life is always changing. Today, Hurricane Melissa and I spent our last day together on this trip in Ft. Lauderdale before I dropped her off at the airport and thus our lives are changing, after a fantastic week together. We both moped like despondent school children most of the day and walked around the Las Olas neighborhood vainly trying to bouy each other's moods. It didn't help. It's amazing that after fourteen years together we're still this much in love with each other.

The previous night we had sampled a couple of cabernets, a zinfandel, and a few other treats at a wonderful wine bar, the Naked Grape, in the up-and-coming Wilton Manor area. We had started the evening at J Marks, a pleasant restaurant with decent wine. When we travel we try to support local businesses as much as we can and avoid chains. The best, though, had to be lunch at Rosie's, a local favorite, also in the Wilton Manor neighborhood.

Melissa and I said our goodbyes, Melissa crying, me harumphing around my sadness, and I quickly set off down the 1 towards Key West.

My mood didn't help the rather long, slow 133 mile trip, and while there were times when the ocean seemed to merge with the sky, a rather blue infinity, and the lush, warm, briney breeze washed over me serenely, I didn't take in the splendor of the keys as much as I should have.

I'll finish the second corner tomorrow morning, after breakfast, and make a decision as to what my next move will be.

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